Simple Harmonic Motion Simple represents a straight line and harmonic motion represents periodic motion. In simple terms, simple harmonic motion is a straight-line periodic motion. Following are the characteristics of an object under simple harmonic motion. Characteristics of Simple Harmonic ...
The Mechanical Engineer Latest Articles
Part-3 Vibration parameters: displacement, velocity, acceleration
The Mechanical Engineer
Introduction As we discussed in previous articles, the mechanical vibration of running equipment is a language through which a machine communicates its faults to the machine operator. Following are some of the machinery faults detectable by the vibration analysis. There ...
Part-2 Magnification Factor and Transmissibility
The Mechanical Engineer
Deformation Response Factor or Magnification Factor Displacement of a Mass-Spring-Damper (MSD) system i.e., the vibratory response of a system subjected to harmonic load with respect to various frequency ratios () is analysed in detail here. Practical Application Real-world machines like ...
Part-1 Basics of Mechanical Vibration
The Mechanical Engineer
Basics Elements of Mechanical Vibration To utilize vibration analysis as a predictive maintenance tool to detect and diagnose the defects in a machine, the basic knowledge of vibration is essential. A complete understanding of the damped single degree of freedom ...